"Let's Talk About It" the Sisterhood Podcast

S4|E5 What does the Great Commission mean for me? 🕊️

• Season 4 • Episode 5

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In today’s episode, we're diving into what it means to live out the Great Commission through the beauty of the gospel. 

As believers, we're called to share Jesus in all areas of life—not just in faraway places, but right in our own communities. Whether it’s our family, neighbours, or the nations, we’re called to go and make disciples. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about being present and willing to share the love of Jesus in the everyday moments of life.

Are you curious about how you fit in discipling others? How hard can it be? Tune in to hear more about how we can all answer that call, wherever we are.

Don’t forget to click the avocado link in the description to share what’s been stirring your heart—let’s keep this conversation going!

Called to Go. Called to Make Disciples. It's Your Turn.

🕊️ The Heart of the Gospel:
Tune in to season four and discover who you are and who you were always called to be!
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Thank you so much for partnering with us as we continue to encourage women in their faith with Jesus.
Did you pray with us at the end of the podcast? And did you give your heart and life to Jesus? We want to celebrate with you!
Connect with us at: sisterhoodministries.ca/met-jesus

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