"Let's Talk About It" the Sisterhood Podcast

S3|E9 Christ is More Than Enough: Finding Wholeness in Every Season w/ Courtney Johnson | πŸ’ the "Who You Are" edition

β€’ Season 3 β€’ Episode 9

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In today's episode, we dive into the powerful truth that Christ is enough, with Mrs. Courtney Johnson – our Director of Publishing, a dear friend and lover of Jesus. 
We chat with her as she shares personal stories from her season of singleness and how God taught her the deep truth of Christ's sufficiency. We challenge the misconceptions and cultural pressures around marriage, and explore how contentment and fulfillment come not from different external circumstances, but from a deep, intimate relationship with Jesus. From overcoming distractions to confronting the fears of missing out, we talk about the importance of rooting our identity in Christ alone.

We also discuss the value of a rich, authentic community and how we can encourage one another to keep our eyes fixed on the One who truly satisfies. Whether you're single or married, this conversation is for anyone seeking to live fully in the grace and sufficiency of God.

Tune in and discover the peace that comes from knowing Christ is enoughβ€”and how that changes everything!
πŸ’ The "Who You Are" Edition:
Tune in to season three and discover who you are and who you were always called to be!
Did you pray with us at the end of the podcast? And did you give your heart and life to Jesus? We want to celebrate with you!
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