"Let's Talk About It" the Sisterhood Podcast

S2 | E12 The Beauty of Confession: Deepening Our Relationship with God and Each Other w/ Courtney Johnson | ☀️Sisterhood Summer School

Season 2 Episode 12

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In the final episode of our Summer School series, we're excited to sit down with Courtney Johnson—team member, gifted writer, and cherished friend—to dive into the beautiful conversation of "Confession."

How do we experience God’s love through communal confession? What fruits can we reap by living transparently within our communities? How do we muster the courage to share the truths of our hearts? Does opening up about our struggles, sins, and convictions truly uplift and encourage one another?

Join us as we explore how confession aids in walking out the love and freedom that Jesus offers. We’re not meant to navigate this life alone, and the love of others really does cover a multitude of sins.
☀️ Sisterhood Summer School: Ending September 19th!
Stay tuned and connect with us this summer for season #2, as we talk "Spiritual disciplines" / aka going back to the basics!
🌿 ROOTED Mentorship Program:
Registrations are NOW OPEN! Check out our website for more details at: sisterhoodministries.ca/rooted
Did you pray with us at the end of the podcast? And did you give your heart and life to Jesus? We want to celebrate with you!
Connect with us at: sisterhoodministries.ca/met-jesus
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