"Let's Talk About It" the Sisterhood Podcast

S2 | E9 Why We Fast: From Scripture to Personal Practice | ☀️Sisterhood Summer School

Sisterhood Ministries Canada INC. Season 2 Episode 9

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Have you ever tried fasting? Whether it’s something you’ve never considered or a regular part of your routine, we're going all in today.

In this episode, we're exploring the reasons behind the discipline of fasting—why it’s worth practicing as New Testament believers, its scriptural basis, and the benefits it can offer. Are there any cases where fasting might not be recommended? Plus, you might hear some fun stories of Tanika's early fasting experiences. Tune in to find out all this and more!
☀️ Sisterhood Summer School:
Stay tuned and connect with us this summer for season #2, as we talk "Spiritual disciplines" / aka going back to the basics!
🌿 ROOTED Mentorship Program:
Registrations are NOW OPEN! Check out our website for more details at: sisterhoodministries.ca/rooted
Did you pray with us at the end of the podcast? And did you give your heart and life to Jesus? We want to celebrate with you!
Connect with us at: sisterhoodministries.ca/met-jesus
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